New Year, New You

New Year, New You

Hello dear readers, happy New Year! Well it’s 2010 & here at Authentic Beauty we’ve celebrated one year in the studio on Roswell Road that we share with Noland Suttles Salon (  We commemorated our one-year anniversary on Sunday, Dec. 20 with some of the studio’s biggest supporters & most loyal customers. It would take me forever to name each & every one of you, so I’ll spare you that. But I want to personally thank Jenn Hobby of Q-100’s Bert Show for coming out as well as Jessica Dauler of Q-100’s Jessica Shops, Justin & Kelly Anthony of 10 Degrees South and Michelle Caplinger, the Chapter Senior Executive Director of the Grammy Awards. Actually Jenn mentioned Authentic Beauty as one of her “Favorite Things” on-air on Friday, Dec. 18; we loved her shout out of support. Thanks Jenn!

And right after the anniversary party, Authentic Beauty was featured on CBS Better Mornings Ambush Makeover on Monday, Dec. 21 & again on Monday, Dec. 28 with RUMM Color Studio in Alpharetta ( & stylist, Robanne Schulman of Plaid Monkey ( Also check out my column in the January/February issue of The Piedmont Review. I’m also proud to share that we were written up in The Northside & Sandy Springs Neighbor Newspaper in the Wednesday, Dec. 30 issue. Laura Braddick, a writer with the paper, came in & experienced an Image Journey. I knew the two & half hours with her was time well-spent after I saw her reaction to the Image Journey process. Thanks for coming in Laura!

Be sure to check out Best Self Magazine for their Best Self 2010 issue!!! We really love this magazine. It is a wonderful resource to assist you in becoming your Best Self. Authentic Beauty was featured a few times in the latest issue!

Also on Wednesday, Dec. 30, I was on CBS Better Mornings again, but this time I was in studio regarding the Image Journey instead of an Ambush Makeover. My client Kathryn Hoover took an Image Journey with me & phew, did we have some fun! I hope all the viewers found it informative & interesting. I’ll have a link to this soon!I will tell you, getting up at 3:30 am to be camera ready at 5..WOW! I have an appreciation for the morning hosts! Thank you Kathryn for getting up that early!

Unfortunately the cold weather & nonstop work took a huge toll on me & I got sick, so I couldn’t work with all my appointments on New Year’s Eve. Thankfully my staff swooped in & saved the day, picking up all my appointments & making everyone look fantastic for their night out on New Year’s Eve.

As I mentioned, I’m so happy it’s 2010. With the ushering in of the New Year, we’re really looking forward to doing a lot of Image Journeys and assisting as many as possible become the best and most Authentic Version of them Selves they can be. I’m also launching my new nontoxic & ecofriendly make-up line sometime in 2010. I’m super excited about it! I will keep you updated as we move along.

We are also starting up Champagne & Shadows again. These cocktail parties where you can mingle with other Authentic Beauties & get tips & madeover, will begin in February. The first one is a Sexy Champagne & Shadows on Feb. 5 to help everyone look their best for Valentine’s Day. SMOKY EYES AND SEXY STUFF!!!

And on that same thread of looking your best, remember we have True Glow Mobile Spray Tanning ( coming every Thursday, so book early. She’s filling up before Valentine’s FYI. Call the studio at (404) 849-0443 to secure your spot! We are also offering some new lash services, but check back with us for more information on that.

I’m also looking forward to Eve Ensler, the author of The Vagina Monologues, coming to Atlanta in February. I will be giving you all the information to make sure you come hear what she has to say.

On Thursday, check back with us for the first blog in our series on “Understanding the Fundamentals of Make-up & Skincare: Taking the Mystery out of the Makeup Application.”  Throughout the next month I will be blogging about important fundamentals to having the best possible makeup. Stay tuned!!!

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