Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good: A Magical Night at the Passion Meets Fashion Runway Show and Philanthropy Event

Alyson Howard Hoag of Authentic Beauty in Atlanta walked the runway for Best Self Atlanta Magazine's Fashion Meets Passion runway show and philanthropy event as she raised money for City of Joy in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Her dress was made for her by the Congolese women of City of Joy.

Donate to the City of Joy here

Wow. I cannot tell you all how inspiring, fun, and moving the @bestselfatlanta Magazine Fashion Meets Passion fashion/runway show, philanthropy event, and Over 40 & Fabulous winner reveal was last night. The whole message of the night was look good, feel good, and do good and I walked the runway with so many former Over 40 & Fabulous runway winners who truly are stunning inside and out. 

Alyson Howard Hoag, a Best Self Over 40 & Fabulous Alumni winner from 2012, walks the 2023 runway at Best Self's Fashion Meets Passion event for a good cause. She walked for City of Joy in the DRC.

These women brought awareness to their nonprofits of choice that they fundraised for and that included so many incredible causes, human rights issues, and conditions that people may not be aware of. From cancer research and make a wish to diabetes awareness and my cause, for the Congolese women and girls at the City of Joy who have experienced unfathomable atrocities and gender based violence, I was so honored to be voted Over 40 & Fabulous 12 years ago and then to be a part of Best Self’s first runway show with previous alumni winners.  

Each model was a former Over 40 & Fabulous winner and they stunningly showcased their charity at this event.  I cannot thank you all enough for supporting me last night and to Best Self Atlanta Magazine for inviting me to walk the runway for such an amazing cause. 

If you haven’t donated, the City of Joy still really needs our help.  We have to raise $1,000 for them and we still have a long way to go. 

City of Joy Congo

Big picture, being able to bring awareness to the City of Joy and representing the organization by wearing a custom made dress on the runway created by the Congolese women was so powerful. 

The Best Self Over 40 & Fabulous winners who walked the runway at Passion Meets Fashion 2023 in Atlanta

 All these strong women doing incredible things at age 40 and beyond and everyone looked stunning as they brought their runway looks and their causes to the forefront of our consciousness. If you haven’t read our blog on what a Perennial is, please read it here, and from the runway into the crowd, I was surrounded by women who truly define what being a Perennial is all about as they walked the runway for so many amazing local, national, and international causes. 

The Perrenials of Genuist Beauty

A Perennial, like all the runway walkers at last night’s event, makes the world a more interesting, creative and all around better place. They are vibrant and confident and are in no way shrinking in the face of society’s expectations that you are old when you are 40 and beyond.  They are timeless and fantastic. They age gracefully and make the world more awesome in the process. 

During the silent auction part of the event, we are thrilled that we were able to  auction off some Genuist Beauty products including our award-winning Roller Brow, a  brow derma roller with brow enhancing serum, and Genuist Beauty’s Tiner Liner, the smallest eyeliner on the market that works wonders for everyone including those with eyeliner anxiety. 

Silent auction items at Fashion Meets Passion from Authentic Beauty and Genuist Beauty to raise funds for City of Joy in the Democratic Republic of Congo

I also want to thank the founders of City of Joy, including Congolese doctor, Dr. Denis Mukwege, (2016 Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize), playwright and activist, V (formerly Eve Ensler), and charismatic Congolese human rights activist, Christine Schuler Deschryver, and all they have done with the City of Joy, by creating a safe haven for women in the middle of violence-torn Eastern Congo.

Please consider donating to the City of Joy here.  We still need to raise money for these incredible women who have experienced unimaginable tragedies. 

Thank you again for supporting me and Authentic Beauty

With love,

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