Title: Summer Soiree
Location: Authentic Beauty Studio
Link out: Click here
Description: Come get glowy and glam for Summer, at our second annual Summer Soiree!
We will have specials on product and services all day, including our new Organic Spray tan, and our signature Golden Goddess makeup lesson. See below for more specials!
In addition, Buckhead Plastic Surgery will be on hand for Botox and Juvederm.
Cocktails and snacks will be served, so feel free bring a friend (or 2) and join us for a fun-filled day of Summer Beauty!
Start Time: 14:00
Date: 2011-06-24
New Year, New You
New Year, New You Hello dear readers, happy New Year! Well it’s 2010 & here at Authentic Beauty we’ve celebrated one year in the studio on Roswell Road that we share with Noland Suttles Salon (http://nolandsuttles.squarespace.com/). We commemorated our one-year anniversary on Sunday, Dec. 20 with some of the studio’s biggest supporters & most loyal