It’s the beginning of a new year. Hello 2024! Many of us are looking at our lives and setting goals for the next 12 months. There are career goals, fitness, health and travel goals, family and financial goals and more. But have you ever considered what your beauty goals are this year?
I had never thought of a beauty goal until I read Something More by New York Times best selling author Sarah Ban Breathnach. After appearing on Oprah more than 17 times and being credited for teaching Oprah about gratitude, Sarah encouraged her readers in this amazing book not to settle in life and to have your life and your image be a reflection of your Authentic Self.

I’ve worked with women for over 30 years now and in my experience many women have a tendency to do what they’ve always done. And that is understandable given the gargantuan expectations placed upon us. That said, I have seen women over 50 still wearing the same makeup and using the same techniques they’ve used since their teens! Talk about living in the past! And I was one of them.
While I have been a makeup and brow artist for all these years and my makeup was generally flawless, for many years, I did not resonate with what I saw when I looked in the mirror! I knew that when we love what we see when we look in the mirror, we feel confident, beautiful and ready to take on the world. Sadly, over 90% of women don’t like what they see and I was part of that statistic. There I was at the time, 30 years old with two kids and with the same long, red hair I was born with. And it just wasn’t me any longer. So, I asked myself this question: “If this wasn’t me any longer, what was?”

I firmly believe, in order to create meaning in our lives, we must start and make the time for ourselves through self reflection, and self care. I am doing that right now for a few days in Mexico while I work, write, set goals, and of course take breaks for play in Cancun. (I get back to the studio on Jan. 6th.)
Which leads me to you. When was the last time you looked in the mirror and mapped out a beauty plan and beauty goals? For me, I was a mother of two small children and barely had time to get lip gloss on but I knew I had to carve out the time to have my image be mine and evolve into a reflection of that version of me.
So, I read Sarah’s book, Something More, and I took her recommendation of creating a self discovery book and collage of how I wanted to look. I pulled pictures out of magazines that resonated with me. And I detached from what my logical mind was telling me. I instead pulled images that inspired me and Ka Pow! I saw Meg Ryan in the movie City of Angels and that was it! It took me six months to convince myself and then my hairdresser to cut off my long red locks. I became a blonde. Fast forward 20 plus years and I am still blonde and that is a reflection of my Authentic Self.

In 2024, what do I want my beauty goals to include personally and professionally? My new cosmetics company, Genuist Beauty, has launched an incredible brow line that is flying off the shelves. If you haven’t seen our new Total Brow Care System, check it out here because brows are the first thing we focus on when crafting and creating our most gorgeous selves.

Personally, I plan on continuing living life as a Perennial that is ever blooming, blossoming, and evolving as I age gracefully and daringly and as I run after my heart’s greatest pursuits. Don’t know what a Perennial woman is? Read more about this whizbang woman here.

After my experience, I created The Image Journey Makeup Lesson, an incredibly fun and exploratory makeup experience, that allows you to sit back and reflect on how you currently look in the mirror. It affords you the time to analyze who YOU want to be with professional makeup artists right by your side guiding you and helping you along the way. This interactive makeup lesson shows you how to reflect on what you love, what you resonate with, and how you personally define beauty. Most importantly, It allows you to discover and learn how to express your Authentic Image through makeup.

When you sign up for The Image Journey Makeup Lesson, you will have simple homework that you will complete and bring with you to your makeup session. This includes going through images in magazines and/or online that resonate with you and pasting those images to your own Pinterest board, poster board, or journal of a look and feel that is true to you. You will also bring all of your own makeup and brushes with you to your makeup lesson so your makeup artist can evaluate what you already own and utilize those tools to create your unique makeup look customized specifically for you.
Then, your makeup artist at Authentic Beauty will show you exactly how to create and then master the makeup looks you love. At the end of your session, you will leave with a face chart detailing the process step-by-step so you can recreate your ideal look at home. This fun and transformational makeup experience also includes a free follow-up session to ensure you can recreate the makeup techniques you learned!

Ready to set beauty goals for 2024? It takes courage to let go of the you you think you are supposed to be and instead be the you you were born to be! Give up the past and that familiar lip, hair or foundation color and author a look that is totally yours now.

20% off all Makeup Lessons including the Image Journey Thru Jan. 6th!
2024 is the year of living gorgeously and loving every minute of it. Authentic Beauty’s Image Journey gives you the gift of loving you- from the inside out. Sign up for your Image Journey here or call Authentic Beauty at 404-849-0443. Authentic Beauty Makeup Salon & Brow Studio is located at 4674 Roswell Rd NE Atlanta, GA 30342.